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Preston-Snoqualmie Trail

 Paved trail, mostly flat but a rather big hill when descending/ ascending from Preston/ Fall City Road. There's a short hill that is dirt trail - most people walk their bikes up this. There's a nice view of Snoqualmie Falls at the end of the trail.
Picture coming soon

Location: King County
City(s): Preston, Snoqualmie, WA
Length: 6 miles.  

Elevation: Mostly flat, with hill down/ up in middle
Facilities Trail Condition  
Drinking Water:  No
Restrooms:  No
Benches:  Yes
Picnic Tables:  No
Surface Type:  Paved
Surface Quality:  8
Scenery:  8
Lighting: 1

0 = none/ the worst
5 = average
10 = excellent

King County Bike Map
Snoqualmie Ridge hiking trails
Snoqualmie Valley Trail Map
1. Unfortunately there's not yet a paved connection to the city of Snoqualmie. (One alternative is to try some of the dirt trails on the south side of the trail that connect to the Snoqualmie Ridge housing development. Be nice to the hikers!) Another is to head downhill from the trail on one of the roads to Fall City. (Roads are narrow and winding - best for going down, not up!)
2. Connects with the Issaquah - Preston Trail via SE High Point Way, a lightly trafficked rural road.

1. A shared right-of-way is being explored with the Puget Sound Historic Ralroad to complete a trail connection all the way to the falls.

Directions: SE High Point Way, North of SE 82nd St to 372nd SE and SE 68th St, Preston WA

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